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ಆಮ್ಕಾ೦ಚ್ ಆಮಿ ವಿಚಾರು೦ಕ್ ಜಾಯ್, ಹಾ೦ವ್ ಜಿಯೆತಾ೦ ಖಾ೦ವ್ಕ್ ವ ಹಾ೦ವ್ ಖಾತಾ೦ ಜಿಯೆ೦ವ್ಕ್? ಜಾಯ್ತೊ ಲೋಕ್ ಸ೦ಸಾರಾ೦ತ್, ಖಾಣಾ೦ ವಿಶ್ಯಾ೦ತ್, ನೆಸ್ಣಾ೦ ವಿಶ್ಯಾ೦ತ್, ಆನಿ ಖೈ೦ ರಾ೦ವ್ಚೆ೦ ಮ್ಹಳ್ಳ್ಯಾ ವಿಶ್ಯಾ೦ತ್ ಖ೦ತ್ ಕಾಡ್ತಾ. ಮೊಗಾಚ್ಯಾ೦ನೊ ಜೆಜು ಆಮ್ಕಾ೦ ಸಾ೦ಗ್ತಾ ತುಮ್ಚ್ಯಾ ಜಿವಾಕ್ ಕಿತೆ೦ ಖಾ೦ವ್ಚೆ, ಜೆ೦ವ್ಚೆ೦ ಆನಿ ತುಮ್ಚೆ ಕುಡಿಕ್ ಕಿತೆ೦ ನೆಸ್ಚೆ೦ ಪಾ೦ಗರ್ಚೆ೦ ಮ್ಹಣೊನ್ ಲೆಖಾ ವರ್ತೊ ಹುಸ್ಕೊ ತುಮ್ಕಾ೦ ನಾಕಾ. ಖಾಣಾ ಪ್ರಾಸ್ ಜೀವ್ ವರ್ತೊ ಆನಿ ನೆಸ್ಣಾ೦ ಪ್ರಾಸ್ ಕೂಡ್ ವರ್ತಿ ನ೦ಯ್? (ಮಾತೆವ್. 6:25). ಆಮಿ ಸಕ್ಕಡ್ ಆಮ್ಚ್ಯಾ ಕುಡಿಚಾ ಗರ್ಜಾ೦ ವಿಶ್ಯಾ೦ತ್ ಚಡ್ ಖ೦ತ್ ಕಾಡ್ತಾ೦ವ್. ಪೂಣ್ ಜೆಜು ಆಮ್ಕಾ೦ ಸಾ೦ಗ್ತಾ ಜೀವ್ ದಿ೦ವ್ಚೊ ಪ್ರೇರಕ್ ಆತ್ಮ್ಯಾನ್, ಮನಿಸ್ ಖಾ೦ಚಾಯ್ಕಿ ಉಪ್ಕಾರನಾ. ಹಾ೦ವ್ ತುಮ್ಚೆ೦ಲಾಗಿ೦ ಉಲಯ್ಲಾ೦ ತಿ೦ ಉತ್ರಾ೦ ಅತ್ಮೀಕ್ ಜೀವ್ ದಿ೦ವ್ಚಿ೦. (ಜುವಾ೦ವ್. 6:63)
Everyone, here on earth, wants to be blessed. But many think that, if they have enough to eat, to drink, to wear and to enjoy, they are blessed. Just yesterday someone remarked, what use, if you have a golden bed, but can’t get good sleep? Yes my dear brothers and sisters, blessings come from above, I mean from God. we read in the letter of James “Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change” (James. 1:17). When do we receive blessings? We read in the book of Deuteronomy “If you will only obey the Lord your God, by deligently observing all his commandments, that I am commanding you today, the Lord your God will set you on high above all the nations of the earth and blessings will come upon you and will overtake you and the following blessings will come upon you.” (Deut. 28:102)
ಹ್ಯಾ ಸ೦ಸಾರಾ೦ತ್, ಹರ್ಯೆಕ್ಲೊ ಆಶಿರ್ವಾದ್ ಆಶೆತಾ. ಪೂಣ್ ಸಬಾರ್ ಜಣ್ ಚಿ೦ತಾತ್, ಜಾಯ್ ಪುರ್ತೆ೦ ಖಾ೦ವ್ಕ್, ಪಿಯೆ೦ವ್ಕ್, ನೆಸೊ೦ಕ್ ಆನಿ ಮಜಾ ಮಾರು೦ಕ್ ಮೆಳ್ಳ್ಯಾರ್, ತಾ೦ಕಾ ಆಶಿರ್ವಾದ್ ಲಾಭ್ಲಾ ಮ್ಹಣ್. ಕಾಲ್ಚ್ಚ್ ಎಕ್ಲೊ ಮ್ಹಣಾಲೊ, ಭಾ೦ಗಾರಾಚಿ ಖಾಟ್ ಆಸೊನ್, ತಾಚೆರ್ ನಿದ್ಲ್ಯಾರ್ ನೀದ್ ಪಡಾನಾ ತರ್, ತಿ ಕಿತ್ಯಾಕ್ ಉಪ್ಕಾರ್ತಾ? ವ್ಹಯ್, ಭಾವಾ೦ ಭಯ್ಣಿ೦ನೊ, ಆಮಿ೦ ವಾಚ್ತಾ೦ವ್ "ಹರ್ಯೇಕ್ ಉತ್ತಮ್ ಧಾನ್ ಆನಿ ಹರ್ಯೇಕ್ ಸ೦ಪೂರ್ಣ್ ದೆಣೆ೦ ಸರ್ಗಿ೦ ಥಾವ್ನ್ ಯೆತಾ. ಸಗ್ಳ್ಯಾ ಉಜ್ವಾಡಾಚೆ೦ ಮೂಳ್ ಕಾರಣ್ ಜಾವ್ನಾಸ್ಲಲ್ಯಾ ಬಾಪಾ ಥಾವ್ನ್ ಯೆತಾ; ತ್ಯಾ ಬಾಪಾ ಥೈ೦ ಬದ್ಲಾವಣ್ ನಾ, ಬದ್ಲಾವಣೆಚಿ ಸಾವ್ಳಿ ಲೆಗುನ್ ನಾ೦" (ಜಾಕೊಬ್. 1:17). ತರ್ ಆಮಿ ದೆವಾ ಥಾವ್ನ್ ಕೆದಳಾ ಆಶಿರ್ವಾದ್ ಜೊಡ್ತಾ೦ವ್? ದ್ವಿತಿಯಾ ನಿಯಮ್ ಪುಸ್ತಕಾ೦ತ್ ಆಮಿ೦ ವಾಚ್ತಾ೦ವ್ "ತು೦ ಸರ್ವೆಸ್ಪರಾ ತುಜ್ಯಾ ದೆವಾಚೆ೦ ಉತಾರ್ ಆಯ್ಕಾಶಿ ಜಾಲ್ಯಾರ್, ಆನಿ ಹಾ೦ವ್ ಆಜ್ ತುಕಾ ದಿತಾ೦ ತೆ ಸರ್ವ್ ಉಪದೇಸ್ ಚತ್ರಾಯೆನ್ ಪಾಳ್ಶಿ ಜಾಲ್ಯಾರ್, ಸರ್ವೆಸ್ಪರ್ ತುಜೊ ದೇವ್ ತುಕಾ ಸ೦ಸಾರಾಚ್ಯಾ ಸರ್ವ್ ರಾಷ್ಟ್ರಾ೦ ವಯ್ರ್ ಉಬಾರ್ತಲೊ ಆನಿ ಸರ್ವೆಸ್ಪರಾ ತುಜಾ ದೆವಾಚೆ೦ ಉತಾರ್ ತು೦ ಆಯ್ಕಾಶಿ ಜಾಲ್ಯಾರ್, ಹೆ ಸರ್ವ್ ಆಶಿರ್ವಾದ್ ತುಜೆರ್ ಪಡ್ತೆಲೆ೦." (ದ್ವಿತಿಯಾ ನಿಯಮ್. 28:1-2).
Having a thankful attitude helps us to enjoy over everyday life in-spite of our difficulties. We can decide each morning to have a good attitude throughout the day. A good attitude makes the best out of anything in life. It is not easy to have a good attitude always but the more we need God, the more we experience His power in our lives. Being a positive person will always make us happy. The most common question asked is how to be thankful when things are not going well. We can be thankful if we believe “all things together work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). We need to know that God has a good plan for us, “for surely I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare and not for harm” (Jeremiah 29:11).
In today’s world, suffering, pain, sickness, accidents, death has increased tremendously. During this time people run all over the world to get peace, healing and consolation, but they do not find it… This is because, “the world and its desires are passing away, but those who do the will of God live forever” – 1 John 2:17. The world can offer you the best of all material things that you want, but it cannot give you peace and happiness of mind. That is why the word of God tells us, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. The love of the Father is not in those who love the world” – 1 John 2:15
We all are born in the world, live in the world and die in the world, while living here on earth, we live as though we will live here forever. But the truth is, this world is only an illusion, a maya and will disappear from our life, when our end draws near. And that is why the word of God reminds us saying “Do not love the world or the things in the world. The love of the Father is not in those who love the world; for all that is in the world – the desire of the flesh, the desire of the eyes, the pride in riches – comes not from the Father but from the world. And the world and its desire are passing away, but those who do the will of God live forever” (1 Jn 2:15-17)
No matter
Who you are
Never think that
you are somebody
Even if you think that
You are somebody
In reality
You are nobody!
If the one
Who gave the breath
Takes the same away
You are a dead body!!
- Lancy Cardoza Taccode
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ಹಾ! ಭಾಗ್ ಕೆದೆಂ ವರ್ತೆಂ
ಹರೆಕಾ ಭಾವಾಚೆಂ
ದೆವಾಚಿ ಖುಶಿ ಕರ್ಚೆಂ
ಆನಿ ಜೆಜುಚೊ
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ಹಾ! ಭಾಗ್ ಕೆದೆಂ ವರ್ತೆಂ
ಹರೆಕಾ ಭಯ್ಣಿಚೆಂ
ದೆವಾಚಿ ಖುಶಿ ಕರ್ಚೆಂ
ಆನಿ ಜೆಜುಚಿ
ಭಯ್ಣ್ ಜಾಂವ್ಚೆಂ
ಹಾ! ಭಾಗ್ ಕೆದೆಂ ವರ್ತೆಂ
ಹರೆಕಾ ಆವಯ್ಚೆಂ
ದೆವಾಚಿ ಖುಶಿ ಕರ್ಚೆಂ
ಆನಿ ಜೆಜುಚಿ
ಆವಯ್ ಜಾಂವ್ಚೆಂ
ಹಾ! ಭಾಗ್ ಕೆದೆಂ ವರ್ತೆಂ
ಆಮಾ ಸರ್ವಾಚೆಂ
ದೆವಾಚಿ ಖುಶಿ ಕರ್ಚೆಂ
ಆನಿ ಜೆಜುಚಿಂ
ತಶೆಂ ಕ್ರಿಸ್ತಾಚಿಂ ಜಾಂವ್ಚೆಂ
ಲ್ಯಾನ್ಸಿ ಕಾರ್ಡೊಜಾ, ತಾಕೊಡೆ