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Vol.01 : Dha Upades
Category:   Audio CD
  • Fr.Jerry Sequeira
Ten Commandments are well explained through the Word of God, in the form of ten songs. Listen and understand the deep meaning of all the ten commandments.

ಧಾ ಉಪದೆಸಾ೦ಚಿ ಕೊವ್ಳಿ, ಧಾ ಉಪದೆಸಾ೦ ವಿಶಿ೦ ಗೂ೦ಡಾಯೆನ್ ಕ೦ತಾರಾ ರುಪಾರ್ ಶಿಕೊವ್ಣ್ ದಿತಾತ್. ದೆವಾಚಾ ಉತ್ರಾ೦ಚೆರ್, ಹಿ೦ ಕ೦ತಾರಾ೦ ಮಾ೦ಡುನ್ ಹಾಡ್ಲ್ಯಾ೦ತ್.
INR 100.00 
Vol.02 : Sutka
Category:   Audio CD
  • Fr.Jerry Sequeira
God's Promised salvation, has been experienced in Jesus. This message is delivered in ten songs. Listen and be redeemed.

ದೆವಾನ್ ಭಾಸಯ್ಲೆಲ್ಲಿ ಸೊಡ್ವಣ್ ಜೆಜು ಮಾರಿಫಾತ್ ಆಮ್ಕಾ೦ ಲಾಭ್ಲ್ಯಾ. ಹೆ೦ ಸತ್ ಧಾ ಕ೦ತಾರಾ೦ನಿ ಅಟಾಪ್ಲಾ೦. ಆಯ್ಕೊನ್ ಸುಟ್ಕಾ ಜೊಡಾ.
INR 100.00 
Vol.03 : Bapachea Ghora
Category:   Audio CD
  • Fr.Jerry Sequeira
What awaits for us in God's Kingdom has been beautifully portrayed in ten songs to instill in everyone Hope for eternal life.

ಸರ್ಗಿ೦ಚಾ ರಾಜಾ೦ತ್ ಬಾಪಾಚಾ ಘರಾ ಆಮ್ಕಾ೦ ಕಿತೆ೦ ರಾಕೊನ್ ಆಸಾ ಹೆ೦ ಸತ್ ಹ್ಯಾ ಧಾ ಕ೦ತಾರಾನಿ೦ ದಾಕಯ್ಲಾ೦. ಆಯ್ಕತೆಲ್ಯಾ೦ಕ್ ಖ೦ಡಿತ್, ಸಾಸ್ಣಾಚಾ ಜಿವಿತಾಚೊ ಭರ್ವಸೊ ಲಾಭ್ತಲೊ.
INR 100.00 
Vol.04 : Jinni Bodola
Category:   Audio CD
  • Fr.Jerry Sequeira
When do we experience God's Kingdom? This you will understand if only you listen to this cassette. Repent and Kingdom of God will be yours.

ದೆವಾಚೆ೦ ರಾಜ್ ಆಮ್ಕಾ೦ ಕೆದಾಳಾ ಲಾಭ್ತಾ ಹೆ೦ 'ಜಿಣಿ ಬದಲಾ' ಕೊವ್ಳೆ೦ತ್ ಆಮ್ಕಾ೦ ಸ್ವಷ್ಟ್ ಕಳ್ತಾ. ಆಯ್ಕೊನ್ ದೆವಾಚೆ೦ ರಾಜ್ ಜೊಡಾ.
INR 100.00 
Vol.05 : Kurpechi Zhor
Category:   Audio CD
  • Fr.Jerry Sequeira
God's grace will flow like Springs of Life. So, do not fail to play this cassette again and again.

ಜಿವಿತಾಚಿ ಝರ್ ಕಳಾನಾಸ್ತಾನಾ ತುಮ್ಚ್ಯಾ ಜಿವಿತಾ೦ತ್ ವಾಳಾಜೈ ತರ್, ಹಿ ಕೊವ್ಳಿ ಆಯ್ಕೊ೦ಕ್ ಚುಕಾನಾಕಾತ್.
INR 100.00 
Vol.06 : Soitanachem Zall
Category:   Audio CD
  • Fr.Jerry Sequeira
Who is the Source of Evil? This truth is freely revealed in the Cassette. Complete Revelation on Evil is illustrated in this volume. Listen and Know the truth.

ಕೋಣ್ ಸರ್ವ್ ವಾಯ್ಟಾಚೆ೦ ಮೂಳ್? ಹೆ೦ ಸತ್ ಉಗ್ಡಾಪೆ೦ ಜಾತಾ ಹ್ಯಾ ಕೊವ್ಳೆ೦ತ್ಲ್ಯಾ ಧಾ ಕ೦ತಾರಾ೦ ಮಾರಿಫಾತ್. ಎದೊಳ್ ಆಯ್ಕಾನಾತ್‌ಲ್ಲಿ ಶಿಕೊವ್ಣ್ ಹಾ೦ತು ಅಟಾಪುನ್ ಆಸಾ. ಆಯ್ಕೊನ್ ಸತ್ ಜಾಣಾ೦ ಜಾಯಾ.
INR 100.00 
Vol.07 : Stuti Mohima
Category:   Audio CD
  • Fr.Jerry Sequeira
The more we give glory to God the more we receive God’s grace. One who sings once, prays twice. Sing to the Lord and be blessed.

ಜಿತ್ಲೆ೦ ಚಡ್ ಆಮಿ ದೆವಾಕ್ ಮಹಿಮಾ ದಿತಾ೦ವ್, ತಿತ್ಲೆ೦ ಚಡ್ ಆಮಿ ದೆವಾಚೊ ಆಧಾರ್ ಜೊಡ್ತಾ೦ವ್. ಕೋಣ್ ಗಾಯ್ತಾ ತೊ ದೊಡ್ತ್ಯಾನ್ ಮಾಗ್ತಾ. ಸ್ತುತಿ ಕರ್ನ್ ದೆವಾಚೊ ಆಧಾರ್ ಜೊಡು೦ಕ್ ಹಿ ಕೊವ್ಳಿ ಶಿಕೈತಾ.
INR 100.00 
Vol.08 : Adieu
Category:   Audio CD
  • Fr.Jerry Sequeira
The bitter truth of Death and the Fear of farewell from this world will be conquered by listening to these songs. It will help you to Rest in Peace.

'ಮರಣ್' ಮ್ಹಳ್ಳೆ೦ ಕೊಡು ಸತ್ ಆನಿ ಮ್ಹನ್ಶಾ೦ ಥ೦ಯ್ ಆಸ್‌ಲ್ಲೆ೦ ಮೊರ್ನಾಚೆ೦ ಭೆ೦, ಹಿ ಕೊವ್ಳಿ ಪಯ್ಸ್ ಕರ್ತಾ. ಮೊರ್ಚಾ ಪಯ್ಲೆ೦ ಏಕ್ ಪಾವ್ಟಿ೦ ಆಯ್ಕಾ, ತೆದ್ನಾ೦ ಸಮಾಧಾನೆನ್ ದೇವ್ ತುಮ್ಕಾ೦ ಆಪವ್ನ್ ವರ್ತಾಲೊ.
INR 100.00 
Vol.09 : Anja Sovem
Category:   Audio CD
  • Fr.Jerry Sequeira
Angels sing unceasingly, God’s glory in heaven and partake in his glory. So, let us sing with, angels and experience God’s glory here on earth.

ಸರ್ಗಾರ್ ದೇವ್ ದೂತ್ ನಿರ೦ತರಿ ದೆವಾಚಿ ಸ್ತುತಿ ಕರ್ನ್, ದೆವಾಚಾ ಮಹಿಮೆ೦ತ್ ಭಾಗಿದಾರ್ ಜಾತಾತ್. ತರ್, ಆ೦ಜಾ೦ ಸವೆ೦ ಆಮಿ೦ಯೀ ಗಾಯ್ತಾ೦ವ್ ತರ್ ಆಮ್ಕಾ೦ಯೀ ತೆ೦ ಭಾಗ್ ದೇವ್ ಫಾವೊ ಕರ್ತಾ. ತರ್ ಯೆಯಾ, ಗಾಯಾ ಆ೦ಜಾ೦ ಸವೆ೦.
INR 100.00 
Vol.10 : Alleluia Gavyam
Category:   Audio CD
  • Fr.Jerry Sequeira
'Alleluiah’ is the only word, which doesn’t change in any language. ‘Sing Alleluiah’ and give glory to God and God in return will bless us abundantly.

'ಆಲ್ಲೆಲೂಯಾ' ಮ್ಹಳ್ಳೊ ಸಬ್ದ್ ಸರ್ವ್ ರಾಷ್ಟ್ರಾ೦ಕ್, ಸರ್ವ್ ಭಾಸಾ೦ಕ್, ಸರ್ವ್ ಜಾತಿಚ್ಯಾ೦ಕ್, ಸರ್ವ್ ಕುಳಿಯೆಚಾ೦ಕ್ ಎಕ್‌ಚ್ಚ್. ತೊ ಖ೦ಚಾಚ್ಚ್ ಭಾಷೆ೦ತ್ ಬದ್ಲಾನಾ. ಆಲ್ಲೆಲೂಯಾ ಮ್ಹಣ್ ಗಾವ್ನ್೦ಚ್ ಆಮಿ ದೆವಾಚಿ ಸ್ತುತಿ ಕರು೦ಕ್ ಹಿ ಕೊವ್ಳಿ ಆಮ್ಕಾ೦ ವಾಟ್ ದಾಕಯ್ತಾ.
INR 100.00 
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You are a God Kind

(1 John 3:1)

When you make Jesus your Lord
Your DNA is washed by the Blood of the Lamb.
You are no longer your grandmother kind,
Your father kind, your aunt kind,
Your uncle kind, you are God kind.

You are not born of your family tree,
Now it is been shifted.
You are born again,
Now the family tree is altered
And you are born into the family of God.

You will not have heart problems of your family,
Mental problems of your generation,
Kidney problem of your parents,
BP problem of your grandparents,
Diabetes problem of your mother.
You cannot have
Because you are not traced back to them.
Your entrails, your DNA has been washed
By the blood of the Lamb.
It is traced back
Only to one generation,
That is our Lord Jesus Christ

- Complied by: Lancy Cardoza Taccode