“Give thanks with a grateful heart,
Give thanks to the Holy One,
Give thanks because he’s given
Jesus Christ, his Son.
And now let the weak say I am strong,
Let the poor say I am weak,
Because of what the Lord has done for us.
Give thanks.”

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”- 1 Thessalonians 5:18. We need to give thanks at all times. Not only when we are happy or when we get something we want. But the word of God says that we need to give thanks at all times; in times of sorrow- give thanks; in times of persecution- give thanks; in times of sickness- give thanks; in times of joy- give thanks; in times of contentment- give thanks. This simply means- give thanks at all times.

Sing psalms and hymnsand spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts, giving thanks to God the Father at all times and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” – Ephesians 5:19-20. Thanksgiving is a very important element in our worship. Through thanksgiving we are able to recognize the presence of God in our lives. “Those who bring thanksgiving as their sacrifice, honor me; to those who go the right way I will show the salvation of God.” – Psalm 50:23. “Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise. Give thanks to him, bless his name.” – Psalm 100:4. “O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever.” – Psalm 107:1. King David in his Psalms always reminds us to give thanks to God as he is good.

S, let us all, like King David, learn to give thanks to God at all times and sing praises to his mighty name. Then we will be able to recount all the blessings that he will shower on us. “You are my God, and I will give thanks to you; you are my God, I will extol you. O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever.” – Psalm 118:28-29. “And what ever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” – Colossians 3:17.

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No matter
Who you are
Never think that
you are somebody

Even if you think that
You are somebody
In reality
You are nobody!

If the one
Who gave the breath
Takes the same away
You are a dead body!!

- Lancy Cardoza Taccode


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ಆನಿ ಜೆಜುಚಿಂ
ತಶೆಂ ಕ್ರಿಸ್ತಾಚಿಂ ಜಾಂವ್ಚೆಂ

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