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DVD.06 : Denvcharachi Thallni
Talk DVD
  • Fr.Jerry Sequeira

Everyone is tempted. The Devil wants to conquer your body, soul and spirit. See where you are conquered.

“But one is tempted by one’s own desire, being lured and enticed by it; then, when that desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and that sin, when it is fully grown, gives birth to death” – James. 1:14-15

INR 150.00 
DVD.07 : Avoi Bapaik Man Di
Talk DVD
  • Fr.Jerry Sequeira

No one can choose his or her parents. They are chosen by God, so honour them and be blessed.

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother – this is the first commandment with a promise: so that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.” – Ephesians. 6:1-3

INR 150.00 
DVD.08 : Mog Kor Peleacho
Talk DVD
  • Fr.Jerry Sequeira

Correct understanding of this commandment is explained with life situations.

“The second great commandment is this, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’” – Mark. 12:31

"ಸತ್‌ಚ್ ಹಾ೦ವ್ ತುಮ್ಕಾ೦ ಸಾ೦ಗ್ತಾ೦: 'ಜೆ೦ ಕಿತೆ೦ ತುಮಿ ಹ್ಯಾ ಮ್ಹಜ್ಯಾ ಅತೀ ಲ್ಹಾನ್ ಭಾವಾ೦ ಮಧ್ಲ್ಯಾ ಎಕ್ಲ್ಯಾಕ್ ಕೆಲೆ೦, ತೆ೦ ಮ್ಹಾಕಾಚ್ ತುಮಿ ಕೆಲೆ೦'" - ಮಾತೆವ್. 25:40

INR 150.00 
DVD.09 : Bhogsannem
Talk DVD
  • Fr.Jerry Sequeira

Do you want to be forgiven? Then forgive others and you will receive God’s mercy.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy’. But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” – Matthew. 5:43-44

INR 150.00 
DVD.10 : Jezu - Dev Amche Sangata
Talk DVD
  • Fr.Jerry Sequeira

Greatest truth explained “One who has seen me has seen the Father” – Jn. 14:9. Yes! Jesus is God with us. Know this truth and have faith in Jesus.

“For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” – Isaiah. 9:6

INR 150.00 
DVD.11 : Raiancho Rai
Talk DVD
  • Fr.Jerry Sequeira

Know your King, if you accept him you will lack nothing. He cares for you.

“On his robe and on his thigh he has a name inscribed, ‘King of kings and Lord of lords.’” – Revelations. 19:16

INR 150.00 
DVD.12 : Bitharli Pekovni
Talk DVD
  • Fr.Jerry Sequeira

Want to be healed of your inner wounds, then understand, what has gone wrong in your life. He reveals the secrets of your life.

“For it was you who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; That I know very well.” – Psalm. 139: 13-14

INR 150.00 
DVD.13 : Jivitacho Bhorvoso
Talk DVD
  • Fr.Jerry Sequeira

“Do not fall into the hands of man” – Sir. 2:18. But trust only in Jesus, he will take care of you. He is the Good Shepherd.

“I lift up my eyes to the hills – from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” – Psalm. 121:1-2

INR 150.00 
DVD.14 : Mog Kor Devacho
Talk DVD
  • Fr.Jerry Sequeira

First and the greatest commandment is well explained with illustrations. Everyone must know the truth to inherit God’s blessings.

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.” – Deuteronomy. 6:4-5

INR 150.00 
DVD.15 : Doiallai
Talk DVD
  • Fr.Jerry Sequeira

You want mercy, then show mercy. God is merciful only to those who are merciful to others.

“Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions.” – Psalm. 51:1

INR 150.00 
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